Frog Prog. Musiques progressives en français, written by Henri Vaugrand, has been released through Camion Blanc, the publisher who conveys rock!
Transatlantic journey between Europe and Canada to the heart of progressive music sung in the language of Christian Décamps and Serge Fiori, the book offers 100 reviews articulated around three big musical and historical periods.
Frog Prog is available in France through the publisher webstore, but you can also order it through big distribution plateforms (FNAC, Cultura,…) and, of course, at your favorite independent bookstore.
Vallis Lupi propose to order it (dedication on demand) directly at its webshop, wherever you are.
So, as Christian Décamps sings it, “don’t hesitate, don’t hesitate anymore”, and click on the button below!
Have a good literary and musical trip!